Bagi Dagva is a Licensed and Certified Massage Therapist. She trained at the Massage College in Atlanta Georgia. Also she graduated from Defense University of Mongolia and majored in political science and law. She is a member of Federation Massage Therapy Board.
She loves a reading books on self wellness and science. Grew up as a buddhist and later experiencing many other different religions, she found her self through science, energy. She believed energy is the source of all things in the universe.
While studying the human body function and stucture at Massage College, she found a new appreciation of the Body, and intricate working between body, mind and spirit, which inspired her to write a book " Human Body, Spirit and Energy"
Human Body Spirit and Energy
First of all, I would like to deliver this day’s greeting to the dear readers and wish that you are successful and fruitful in your endeavors. I also wish that you can be at peace with your family and happiness and health in your life. Everyone should live on their way in the universe, with the goals of a joyful and happy life. Some people are seeking a peaceful life, some are seeking power, some are seeking wealth, some are seeking love and some are seeking their lover. However, everything can’t be fulfilled by their wishes so that there might be a time for reassessing one’s religious beliefs to aid you facing challenges and adversities.
I would like to share on how to cope with adversity. I use spiritual patience and relaxation which will help to prevent illness and thus, leading to a long and happy life. A basic foundation of humans is to care for the human spirit and body, this practice tends to lead to a much healthier life. Spirituality is the core relationship between humans and nature. Humans are the energy transmitter. Due to the energy (aura) surrounding the human body, aura supports our body and emotions, and is the basic foundation that makes one feel alive. Our body is an organism, emotions are our spirit and energy is power. Organisms are reenergized by food, spirit is absorbs knowledge, energy is received by our surroundings and the universe, meditation and worship are important keys to living happily in this world.
Life can be joyful and happy when body, spirit and energy are in balance. Bagi Dagva